Sunday, December 14, 2008

Scratch Each Others Egos

Have you ever been afraid to pay someone a compliment because you don't quite know where you stand with them? Perhaps they are one of those people that you just idolize and elevate to a pedestal, and so you assume that if they're up there, they must be looking down on you. The game commences where you try to become close friends without seeming too needy.

Or maybe it's someone of the opposite sex that you're into. You see the world in him/her and know they don't or can't find the same in you. It becomes an endless back and forth of getting your hopes up and then letting your self-esteem pull you down.

Why do we make celebrity figures out of certain people in our lives? Why do we make friendship and acceptance such a labyrinth instead of a straight shot? Why do I assume that other humans are beyond self-consciousness or have it all together?

Why am I so scared of any form of rejection that I often avoid giving compliments?

Around some I feel equal and capable of handing out and receiving compliments and encouragement. Around others I feel I need to prove myself and constantly doubt my ability to attain such acceptance, or harder yet be desirable by them.

I don't know if you're like me, but I tend to catalog all of my skills, attributes, etc. and list them out so I can see the things that give me worth. But they never seem like enough on their own. Value is in the eye of the beholder. If you aren't telling me I'm valuable in one way or another, I'll never believe I have anything to offer.

Freely flowing words of encouragement are the great equalizer. They remind us of the worth of others and in doing so, come back around to remind us of our own worth.

Stop hiding your light under a basket. Let it be seen!

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