Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Good Start

Today has been an adventure. Any one element of the trifecta of life presented to me today would be DA worthy, but all three combined will make your head rattle, or at least mildly entertain you for the next few minutes.

I woke up this morning and started about my business of watching old episodes of The Office and packing up my room for the big move. I leave my window open often times to try to cool of my attic room, and being in a city area, you hear a little commotion from time to time. There were some yells from outside, which I dismissed as nothing. Then they persisted and sounded like someone yelling for their life. I ran to the window and looked down to see three African American guys, one beating up the other pretty bad, and the third just kind of there.

At first glance I wondered if they were just messing around, but as I realized the severity of what was going on I though, "Holy Crap! What do I do, what do I do? Should I call 911?" I knew there was a fire station about 20 feet from the fight, and thought surely the firemen must hear this and will be right out, but I didn't know if I should call anyway. I stalled there for about 10 seconds until some firemen came out, just as I predicted.

Apparently the one dude getting beat up, threw a brick through the car window of the dude beating him up. The one who threw the brick was trying to rob it I guess. Cops came a little while later. It was just weird because it was directly across the street from my house. The same place there was a shooting about a month back.

I continued with my day and my packing. I loaded up boxes with books as I cleared out my bookshelves and carried them downstairs. The second bookshelf must have got me too excited or something because on my way down the stairs I missed the very last step and CRUNCH!

My ankle, no no, not my ankle! I kept thinking in my head "this is very bad, this is very bad." The crunch was loud and there was a slightly delayed pain, although I writhed in it before I even felt it. Everything I had to do this week and next flashed through my head, leaving me to question how I could do it on crutches. It ended up not being quite so bad as I thought. It hurt, but I could put weight on it... and I could walk so so. I'm still nursing it, but I'm hoping it'll be pretty decent in another day or two.

After some icing and elevation of my ankle I went over to Hillside to help Jamie with some stuff. He had been going through the shed getting supplies for The Big Wow ready. We were doing our thing going between the gym and the shed. Suddenly I looked over and shouted "Whoa, dude, look." Jamie looks over to see the four foot snake I was pointing at in the corner. So Jamie reluctantly decides we should try to get it out, although we're both a little scared and I'm pretty gimp with my ankle. We seize it with garbage cans and hockey sticks... but not really seize, instead we kind of poke and nudge. The snake gets pretty aggravated and curls up into striking position, which it does strike the hockey stick a few times. After doing a poor job of doing anything other than creating an angry snake, we go sit down in hopes that he'll leave out the door. He does indeed slither toward the door slowly but surely, but then camps out under the basketball hoop.

Jeremy stops by the church with some other guys, they all come in to see the snake. Jeremy is terrified like a little girl or something. With some teamwork the snake is pushed out from under the hoop, and coaxed outside, where they proceed to torment him, until he finally goes over the hill. I have a picture of the snake, but I'm still trying to get it from my phone to my computer, so I'll post it later.

Some of you may be thinking, "What I let down, I was expecting something much more exciting than that." Well this is my life, if an exciting day is so boring to you, why don't you stop reading my blog and go live your extravagant life.

1 comment:

Kelly Chappell said...

Haha, your last paragraph reminded me of this:

G.K. Chesterton, in his book, "Heretics", once said "When Byron had divided humanity into the bores and the bored, he omitted to notice that the higher qualities exist entirely in bores, the lower qualities in the bored, among whom he counted himself. The bore, by his starry enthusiasm, his solemn happiness, may in some sense have proved himself poetical. The bored has certainly proved himself prosaic."

So, if these "daily account" (forbid it that we might ever call this a blog) readers cannot find the joy, poetry, and excitement in your "trifecta of life", then it is simply because they are prosaic!

I still have your birthday gift, and I want to see your new place :)