Monday, July 28, 2008

I Wish I Had More To Say

Not much to say other than I feel like starting up a personal blog again. Since the theft of my excellent Powebook G4 I have not written a Daily Account, and I know there are about 3 people in the world that have felt devastated by that. If you are new to the Steve's Daily Account experience you can relive some of the good ol' moments from past DA's here.

The main reasons for me wanting to start this up again are the following...
  1. Documentation of jokes
    • My friends and I will say and do random things that relate to nothing and will be lost forever unless made eternal through this DA. Truly it is the only hope of many of them last for more than a week, a month, or a year in our brains.
  2. Relief of pent up weirdness
    • I truly do feel for those who know me well enough to know the real me. I try to act "behaved" around some, but one way or another I need to be witty, weird, and wrandom (the three W's) on a fairly regular basis or else I get hilarity constipation... and that can get messy if not dealt with
  3. Changes of Life
    • I would say my life right now is very much shifting and restless. I don't expect this to change much anytime soon. A lot of solid things in my life has been pulled out from beneath my feet (typically by my own hand). My beliefs, my friendships, my vision, and my oppositions are all things I am continually reevaluating.
This blog is not meant to be some philosophical or Biblical discussion, but often times it will look like that... just from a more personal point of view. For a slightly less personal view I'll still be posting pretty regularly on my other blog Pragmatically Charged.

I don't expect a whole lot in the way of comments here, but they are certainly welcome in any regard.

Well, hopefully I'll have more about my life, thoughts, and sarcastic verbal thrashings on my next post.

Be Ye Bodacious,


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