Saturday, January 17, 2009

Because You Care

I'm writing a blog today, despite all the work I have to do and my fast-approaching deadline, because I know you care. Ok, that's a lie. I have no idea if you care... and if I'm going to make a guess about things based on analytical means, I would say there's a better chance that you don't care. I'm not being a downer, but come on, let's be real.

I have a video due early this coming week. I am not at the point of entering "freak out" mode where I pound my head with the questions "WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG?!?!?" But if I don't pick up my pace, I will be in some trouble.

I was talking to my friend Kelly about the niceties and difficulties of having almost no set work schedule. It's very nice to do stuff on your own time and to help people who need a ride or help in the middle of the day, when everyone else is at their 9-5 job. But when you don't have a set work schedule, I think there is a much higher tendency to put in more hours than the typical person (especially if you care about your work like I do). I wish I had the structure and willpower to designate specific times during the week to do work. As it is, I wait until the last possible minute to get my work done.

So now I feel like a video editing recluse in my house. I need more visitors. For that, maybe I need more friends. I think I'm a pretty good friend. At the very least, people should want to be my friend for the superficial reasons of: I will cook them fine cuisine, I have an enormous DVD collection that we can choose from, and I just bought a blender at an estate sale today, soooo... SMOOTHIES!

Maybe I don't have friend because everyone has read my blog and realized I'm boring. This is boring. I should start writing more interesting blogs. I used to be good at this. Something inside me is dying; I can only hope it's my intestinal parasite, but fear it is my fun, spontaneous side. Let's try start a newish year resolution of entertaining/thought provoking blogs.

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