Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I am returned.  I feel like when you use the word "am" in the stead of "have" it makes one sound much more confident, royal, and  British.  I desire to be all of these, but unfortunately am none.  Then again, maybe using "am" there is plain incorrect grammar.

Grammar is a funny word.  I think it should end in an "er" rather than "ar."  I also believe it should be a term for a grandmother, who knows how to rock out.  The kind of grandmother that will have her teenage grandkids say "Grammer, you really messed up that dude in the mosh pit."  Then grammer bakes cookies to cheer up the kid that she tore up at the show.  That's grammer!  GrammAr is just some gunk you get on the bottom of your shoe.  "Ah man, I just stepped in grammar.  It'll take me forever to get this off."  Grammar is that gunk you can't wash off... well you could, but you don't want to touch it at all.  You will only clean it via indirect spray from a faucet.  So instead you complain about the grammar on your shoe, while doing nothing about it, hoping that friction-esque erosion will handle the problem in due time.

Life has felt pretty busy lately, which is usually what I say when I come back from not blogging for a bit.  I've been getting a few more video jobs and doing a lot with Youth for Christ, plus I am adding to my list of friends I am trying to help in charity (whether financial or relational or both), so I guess I feel like I'm in demand. 

Last night was our Youth For Christ - Campus Life banquet.  I am always a pretty behind the scenes guy there.  But I spent many hours editing some videos together, that I got footage for on Tuesday.  I'm posting the five short videos I made for last night.

I feel a lot of times like my video work is more of a hobby than anything... like it's just some cute little thing I do.  Maybe it's because my work doesn't end up on TV or because so much of what I do involves youth or churches, and not as often professional, corporate pieces.  But I guess I do a good, professional job at what I do.  And thankfully I am getting more calls about doing video work lately.  I was hoping video stuff would pick up so I can afford to live.  I think it'll just keep getting better as time goes on and people get to see my work.

This all is just in wait for the big collaboration of minds in creating a commercial-creating force of elite minds and wits.  We all know it's coming.  Ben, Steve, Jason, Anthony, Jess, and whatever other stragglers find their way in.  We will make your business boom with multi-product inclusion in the same ad, such as "Converse... Got Milk?"  And breakthrough two-in-one inventions like Dr. Lube (the first ever engine de-greaser, soft drink), SPF Whip (our sunscreen mayonnaise), and TP Tie (Toilet paper tie, convenience meets fashion).  Plus concepts that are fun and can be formatted to endorse any product like "The Video Edit-tor," and the missile launching attack helicopter that guards against speeding ("Speed enforced by aircraft").  And don't forget about our new Prime Time Show "Si-Esse (CSI) Mexico."

We're totally going to blow Nutrigrain out of the water!

Ok, I'm going for now.  I am going to relax after my stressful last few days.

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