Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Holy Macramony

Isn't she just glowing?

So I finally did it. Some people say men have a hard time with commitment. I usually take people like that and give them a big bear hug, until I realize I don't think I know them well enough to be giving them a hug. But gosh-darnit (thanks Palin) I did commit myself... and no, not to a psych ward, but to a beautiful blushing (seriously, look) bride. Adorned with her 8 carat solid state diamond engagement ring, come Wednesday (or whenever she gets shipped to me) I will look her all over, gaze into her glossy screen, tickle her elegant multi-touch trackpad, and dual-boot her with OSX and XP!

Did I take that too far? I didn't think so.

There are a few things left to be desired in a Mac, or even additions I didn't like. Let's get the negative out of the way...
  1. Glossy screen. What the heck, super glare except in total dark.
  2. No Blu-ray. Other laptops offer it, why not a Macbook PRO?
  3. Taking away all my ports. I understand less ports mean you can make a smaller, light laptop, but I like firewire 400, I like an s-video out, I like a third USB port... but I guess I can deal.
  4. No major processor upgrade/quad-core processing. I know it's probably a battery drain, but it would seem neat. There were some bumps in processor though.
Ok, now what I'm excited about...
  1. The new design looks pretty nice, although I'm not too picky either way.
  2. New process of making the laptop case from a single piece of aluminum is supposed to make it very solid and lighter.
  3. Glass trackpad. I hear it has a great feel, and I'm sure Apple will keep inplementing more multi-touch gesture for it as time goes on.
  4. iSight. This isn't a new feature at all, but it is to me. I really do want to try the video chat, or maybe doing some video blogs. SWEET!
  5. Sweet hard drive. Now they have 7200rpm 320GB laptop hard drive for this piece. My old laptop had a 5200rpm 100GB. This is soo much better!
  6. Two GPU (Graphics Processing Units). Right now these are mildly cool, but come the new Mac OS, Snow Leopard, I know that the GPU not being used will be able to help aid your processor with OpenCL, in running programs etc. And that will speed stuff up like crazy, ye-ah.
  7. Macs are also much more environmentally friendly now, which I put down here because I should care... I don't care so much in actuality right now, but deep down I do.
  8. Actually using Apple software to use in creating sweet videos (even though this isn't just about the new Macbook Pro, but Mac in general).
For some more info and pics you can go here.

I've been wating over a year for this laptop, and now it's so close. I do think having a laptop will help me in my learning and writing. It's much easier to type than write and most of you know I have terrible penmanship... although Mike says paper is more reliable than a computer as far as saving your writing.

Things I want to do with my mac...
  1. Learn Final Cut Pro
  2. Learn Motion and Live Type
  3. Play with Logic, so I can start composing music again
  4. Recreate my website
  5. Make it sing The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song in text to speech
  6. Take over the world
Ok, I know my blog demographic is not hip to or interested in this Apple tech stuff, so I'll go to bed now.


KB said...

can i bring a date to the wedding? and will there be an open bar? oh, and i'll have the chicken.

Stephen P said...

You can bring a date, but it must be your ipod.