Saturday, September 20, 2008

What Is New?

Do you ever have someone ask you, "What's new?" and you realize that you haven't been paying enough attention to your life to even know what is new. You've completely gone on autopilot, and can tell someone more about what the new happenings are in your favorite TV show than you can about your own authentic, real, live, late breaking existence. That's how I feel most of the time.

When I look back at my recent life, even the last several weeks, I know I'm doing stuff. Some of the things are even kind of new, untypical, and meaningful... but I still have trouble remembering them for some reason. Perhaps we can become so focused as to what is next, that we forget to remember what has been, and how our past has shaped and is shaping what we do today.

I haven't blogged on here for almost a month, which seems ridiculous. My good friend Kelly reminded me I need to update my blog so she can keep some tabs on my life, so here I am. Oh and by the way, exciting news! Kelly as of yesterday is engaged!!! I know she'll probably check up on this blog within the next few days/weeks but I'll talk like she isn't. I'm honestly incredibly happy for Kelly. I feel this way more so for her than I would most people. She's a lovely, genuine person, and I feel like she deserves this, especially because I know the guy she is marrying is as awesome (to replace lovely) and genuine as she is. So yes, I am very pumped that IT actually happened. Way to go!

On with life. So, yeah, today I got engaged. No, none of you (all three of you) believed that one.

Some semi-quick updates:

I'm finally feeling like my place is becoming home. It's nice to not visit my mom's so much, or at least for very short periods of time when I do visit. It's also nice being within a mile of 80% of my travel locations; church 1, church 2, church 3, mom's, aunt's, gym, porch.

I started going to another church. I don't think it'll be an every week thing, but I do kind of like it. It is a 7th Day Adventist church, which I didn't know a ton about going into it, and still have some question... but I like the people, the focus in outreach, and the humility and openness in continuing to learn about who God is and what that means to us. They hold the sabbath day to be Saturday, which works out well. They also meet in a cafe that they run as a sort of fundraiser. It's spiffy.

My friend Raymond, who I think I wrote about before is becoming more motivated to get a job. I helped him apply at TSA. I honestly doubt his ability to get a job there, but I will encourage movement toward him no longer needing to pan handle to pay rent. Now I'm trying to convince him to get a job at the post office or something. I also believe I am not going to give him any more money, at least until he makes some more solid moves toward employment.

I'm low on funds, but am currently doing video for Montour Football's highlight video, so I'm filming most of the games. I am also going to be doing some bigger video work for my uncle's practice, videoing and editing some promotional web videos to scatter around the internet. Plus I just did some computer work for my cousin Sam, and from that he told a friend who is starting a business, so I'm helping him with some minor tech stuff this week and maybe more in the future.

So I suppose life has been in some ways exciting and new with the new friends and activities and living situation, but it also feels extroadinarily mundane. Maybe I miss some of the incredibly close friendships I haven't been sharing in as much lately. The ones where we talk about serious stuff, and then laugh hysterically at funny scenarios, jokes, and remembering old situations we've been in. Those nights that ultimately end up with me half alseep on someone's couch. The times of fellowship and friendship where I can be myself without feeling the need to put on any show, and somehow being more fun and entertaining than if I had been trying. It's great meeting new people and starting friendships, but there's nothing quite like the "old gang."

I feel like I'm approaching a corner in my life, that when I suddenly turn that corner, I'll realize everything is much different than it ever was. I pray that difference will have soft tones of reminiscence and comfort woven into its foreign pattern, so I can find peace in gazing and exploring what new things life has to offer.

I've missed blogging. Sorry this didn't have a smack of ham to it; aka my weird, funny, sarcastic ramblings stuck in places they don't belong.

I may write another blog directly after this one. It will probably be more serious, but has potential for some SOH's (Smack Of Ham). By the way "Smack of Ham" is the new "Hot Water Pie."

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