Friday, August 8, 2008

The Big Kung-Pao, Cow-Wow

Alright, it's just called The Big Wow, but I think we may change the name to The Big Kung-Pao, Cow-Wow.  At that camp we will serve Chinese food exclusively... especially a beef Kung-Pao(why am I continuing to capitalize kung pao?).  We'll also start an establishment called The Big-Meow, Bow-Wow, which will be a Chinese restaurant that can feed all the people feeling left out from our Big Kung-Pao, Cow-Wow, by feeding them Chinese style cats and dogs... you know the Chinese are into that stuff.  Seriously... they are.

So yes, camp.  Camp was really great this year.  Jamie, the children's pastor did an awesome job for it being his first year in charge, or even regardless of it being his first year.  There were a ton of variables, so we were bound to have a few unexpected obstacles, but I don't think it was anything that the kids really noticed, and I know all of them had a blast.

My favorite part was probably the return of games.  Being at Faith Ranch, we didn't have games, because there were other activities like horseback riding, archery, and crafts.  It was neat seeing all the old games coming back to life on the field and in the gym and pool.  The Tower of Doom, Rubber Chicken sling-shot, Ketchup Relay, Big Shirt Pool Relay, Egg Catch, Poop Deck, etc. were much fun to watch and video.  My only regret is that I could not be a little more actively involved... although I did man the Tower of Doom a few times, flinging darts and sponges at kids.

I'll have to put the videos online soon so all can partakes of the madness from the comfort of their radioactive computer screen of death.

Video was especially hard this year because it felt like there was always stuff going on that I needed to be videotaping, and I really didn't have much help on the tech side of things.  But I think it turned out pretty well, and this is the first Big Wow, where I had DVD's for sale as soon as we got back to the church.

I hope the awesomeness of camp and the DVD's I made will help get more kids to come next year.  If we could get 50-80 kids there, we would be unstoppable... once I used my Kung-Pao mind control device on the children.

I'm in Erie now visiting family, which is fun.  My car is in the shop here because it's leaking oil.  I'm supposed to leave today, but that probably depends on my car.  I'm really looking forward to the Big Wow staff pool-party tonight, so I hope I get back.  I can just foresee tonight being awesome, carefree fun, where we can jump into water full of toxic poison, which will be readily absorbed through our skin.  I'm sorry did that last part ruin it?  Maybe I'll just put my feet in for a little bit.

Alright, that's all you get.  Say thank you and go browse some other less gratifying blogs... I mean Daily Accounts.

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