Wednesday, August 26, 2009

This Review Left Me "Howling"

I stumbled across the link to this review in a comment from another blog.

I enjoyed it greatly, and hopefully you will too.

Now I feel like I MUST have this shirt!

B. Govern, you da man!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Da Da Da (have I used this before?)

I'm excited for tomorrow. By some point tomorrow I should officially be done with all my big summer projects! I am under the impression that I will then get my life back. I could be wrong, but I'm hoping I'm not. My work ethic is slowing with the vision of rest in sight, thus pushing back more and more my actual time of vacation.

Even with these projects ending, it doesn't mean I will have nothing going on. My work on the Montour Football Highlight Video has just started and I have some home video conversions lined up, as well as some other work. But what I really want to do now is cook, read, hang with friends, and relax on my porch. Unfortunately I am ending my work as many others are beginning their work/school. But I'll still find some fun to have!

So I was driving down Rt. 60 today and there was a guy walking. As I approached him, there it came... the thumb. It was second nature once I saw it. Come to a stop, hit the hazard lights, and wait for his approach. I wasn't nervous... well I guess there is that initial thought, but it literally lasted all but 5 seconds. The man was dressed a little sloppy, but seemed like a good enough guy. I figured he might be homeless or poor, but he wasn't. He was just drunk. 3PM and he was drunk, walking home from the bar.

I found out his name was Tony, he's been married and divorced twice, he has a daughter, he's retired, and he's about to have his license taken away for DUI. He dropped the F-bomb a few times, blaming it on him being either drunk or stupid each time. I honestly wouldn't have known he was drunk if he hadn't said anything. I think this is more of a slap in the face to the appearance and speech of the typical Pittsburgher than it is a praising of Tony's composure under drunkenness or a revealing of my lack of discernment of drunken behavior.

Regardless, I drove Tony home, and he seemed appreciative and somewhat apologetic. I kind of wished I had mentioned Jesus to him, although I'm pretty sure he would not have seen it as a feasible option for himself. It's such a sad state where a man of his age is in a poor place.

Speaking of which, my homeless friend Raymond was on the news. He called me today to let me know, so I looked it up. Raymond is talking about the stuff they're going to get him from him being on the news, like getting his old job back, getting money to go to school, and maybe some other stuff. I'm not quite so certain he's going to get all these handouts because he was on TV for 10 seconds, but we'll see. Regardless he seems pretty set on getting his life in order. He wants to get his own place, get a job, and go to school to be an x-ray tech. I hope he really takes the steps to attain those things; although once he does, I think he'll still be somewhat lost. There's only so much I can do.

I think I'm going to start taking ballroom dance lessons at CMU. I would like some people (or at least a lady) to start going with me. Let me know if anyone is interested. You really don't need a partner to go, it's just my personal preference. Anyway, it's only $3 and is usually Wednesday nights.

I wish I had some funny story to add to this blog, but I can't think of any at the moment. Hopefully I'll be on here more with my free time approaching!

Be good, stay in school.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Freak Out

I'm supposed to be preparing to leave for the Big Wow tomorrow... but I'm not. I'm stupid. Instead I'm being entertained by these incredible Greatest Freak Out Ever videos on Youtube. I'll ruin it for you and let you know they're fake... part of me is happy for the world that they are fake. But it's so insane... especially the first one. If you're into remixes, check out this remix!

In additional new, I witnessed a car accident today. I was cruising down a suburban road, just getting past the road construction, when the truck in front of my smashes into a parked car. It's not like he was swerving at all, he just drifted right into the side of the car as if it were invisible. The car was smashed pretty good, and the trucks front right tire completely came off; surprising I thought. The dude pulls right into a driveway after the accident, with his three wheels. The guy was kind of old, but not really old. Somewhat strange seeming. I don't know if he was drunk, losing his mind, or just distracted... maybe all of the above.

Anyway, I helped them roll the heavy detached tire and axle off the road and then helped clean the hard plastic fragments off the road. Once I told the police what happened I left. I wish that story was more exciting. Oh yeah, the guy was my dad. Ok, not really.

I was going to throw in a "shooting" joke to add excitement, but that seems horribly inappropriate due to the shooting tragedy from last night. Amazingly it was world news. And sadly one of my friends knows one of those who died in the shooting. It's such a sad situation.

Well this is mostly a boring post on my end, but we'll leave it at that, for I must go.