Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It's Been A While... And It'll Be A While

I haven't blogged in quite some time. I tried on a few occasions, but then would get distracted and such.

Life has been busy. I was working non-stop for a few weeks in June. Lots of editing both for my jobs and for Warhola, plus Campus Life. I also had some dance recitals to shoot... three performances in one day. I have built my new computer and it's working pretty well, just need to work out a few kinks.

My friend Raymond got kicked out of his subsidized housing. His married girlfriend complained about him locking her in his room or something. He said she shouldn't have said that and he was not guilty of doing such a thing, but just argued with her a bit. I talked to this woman on the phone and she agreed she thought she HAD to write him up, but wouldn't have if she knew it wasn't a requirement. Raymond will point fingers and blame people, but he is ultimately to blame.

I drove to his place and loaded up my car with whatever stuff of his would fit. I was upset that he hadn't packed before I got there, since he knew for a few days he was being evicted. A majority of Raymond's belongings are in my basement currently. I drove him around all day making calls and visiting locations to find him a new place. Raymond was falling asleep in the passenger seat; making me feel like he didn't really care that much. I've been more frustrated with Raymond since that time, and I also don't trust him as much. I asked the lady who works at his previous residence about what kind of guy he was. She said she legally couldn't tell me, but asked me why I was asking. I told her that I'm concerned because he's being kicked out and it makes me wonder if he's putting on a front to me. She said "It sounds like you've already made up your mind," as if to say that I was right in thinking that.

Raymond stayed a night at my place, after going to Brooks' house with me to watch the Stanley Cup Championship. He really loved the party there. The next day he checked himself into the hospital as having mental issues, just so he could have a roof over his head. He's still in the hospital, which makes me mad, since he doesn't have mental issues. He is expecting to be moved to the VA hospital soon, where they will find him long-term housing and a job. He says "Steve aren't you proud of me," because he's going to be getting a new place to live and a job. I'm not proud of him. He's using and abusing the system, when he is very capable himself. Maybe I'll be proud if he accomplishes some things on his own, stops dating married women, and stops feeling like he deserves the world from the government.

My other friend, Ray, who has actual mental/emotional problems is wearing me very thin. He has been calling me to complain about me more and more frequently. One complaint was that he doesn't want me being so nice to him all the time. He says I'm "buttering him up" and it's giving him a big head. And he wasn't admitting that as much as he was yelling at me about it (note: this was the first time he had ever mentioned it). He gets angry with me for spending time with other friends as much or more than I do with him. I spend 1-3 hours a week with Ray usually. Part of me loves Ray, and part of me is just making a decisions to show Ray love, regardless of my emotions. He has a rough life, where he knows he has issues, but can't control himself. He's so heavily medicated and in such an disgustingly unhealthy living situation. He can be great and fun, but I constantly am on guard as to not frustrate him or get yelled at. It's a sad situation; I can only hope to bring some good to it.

This past week I was in Wildwood, NJ for our summer conference, Heatwave. It was a great time with some really nice weather. Sunny, but not all that hot. I was busy as usual making videos, which I'll post on this blog. It's so much work for a little 6 minute video. I definitely felt like I missed out. I wanted to spend time with my students and other students from Metro-Pitt, but was constantly filming or editing. I love meeting kids and leaders from all the different groups. I love getting students excited, and I think "doing stuff for the video" adds a bit of excitement to their week. I get lots of appreciation for the videos I make; everyone seems to really enjoy and value them. I don't know if it's selfish, but part of me just wants to stop it all though (even though I know I would miss it).

I was so glad that two of my students attended and both had an awesome, awesome time! I'm really hoping this December we'll have a good showing for Fallout, our winter retreat. I'm looking for some volunteers to help with Campus Life on a weekly basis if anyone is interested; we meet on Monday nights.

Speaking of Campus Life meetings Monday nights, I had CL last night. We spoke about shaving things out of your life that it's time to leave behind; whether they are childish, inappropriate, or sinful. I centered it around my gotee. I started by brushing it and conditioning it, speaking on how we often take certain things in our lives and make them who we are, and we care for and pamper these aspects of who we think we are, whether we love them, hate them, or hate to love them. But we must shave them out of our lives, so of course... I shaved off my gotee. I'm sure there are shouts of glee and anguish both stemming from that proclamation. It's weird, but I think it was time. Now I need to decide if I'll grow back a normal gotee or just cling to my lonely soul-patch. Alas, I was saddened to realize I don't have another fist behind my beard like C. Norris.

I'm also part of a book discussion group this summer. We're reading Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis. We're meeting at South Hills Assembly, in the youth room. Mike Milano, my main man, is leading it, so you know it's good. It ranges from very philosophical/heady, to almost theologically preachy, to very down to earth. I'm greatly enjoying it, and I know anyone is welcome to join whenever. We're only about 40-50 pages into the book.

Well I guess that's enough for now. Stay posted, Steve is still reinventing himself, so you never know what may happen next!

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