Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Good Day

Today was really quite a good day all around.

I woke up and went to church with my cousin Tierney.  The service was good, I felt connected with the sermon, and looking out at the church I saw the church truly being the church.  We all laid hands on and prayed for Scott for several minutes, who is having a return of some cancer lumps.  I watched some members of the church go around to one another with love and sometimes tears in their eyes to give a loving and encouraging word (without any coaxing by the pastor either).  And I saw one of the women lovingly compliment my cousin on the beauty that radiates from her and then anoint her with oil.  It was encouraging.

Then right after church, the pastor's grandson, one of the former Campus Life kids I worked with, took a look at my car.  He's a mechanic now, and he's going to give me a good price on fixing up some problems with my car so I can pass inspection!  It's times like that where it's especially good to have friends.

It was a good day.

I came home and did some preparation for a dish I was cooking for later that night.  After some prep work I gathered the rest of my ingredients etc. and headed to Kristin's for our youth group crew reunion.

Kristin was in a bad mood when I got there, and very pessimistic believing no one would show up.  But we hung out and I started cooking some more there.  Jeana and Dave showed up shortly after.  Jeana told Kristin she was pregnant, and Kristin didn't believe her insisting that she was really just getting fat.  Kristin displayed her tummy exclaiming that she also could be with child.  I think it wasn't until Kristin actually felt the difference in poking a belly with a baby and one without, that she believed.  And that began the talk of the night.  Jeana and her pregnancy/baby.  Kristin's duty in life was now to be the deliverer... not of the baby... but of the news of the baby.  Everyone that walked through the door, Anthony, Kelly, Dave, Jesse, Kelsey, Emma, Jonathan, Stacie, and even Jeana's brother Ben, were immediately informed of the baby, regardless of whether or not they already knew.

So that was fun.

It was great sitting around joking and catching up.  Jonathan and Stacie's son Joshua is two years old today, and he granted us some entertainment by playing close-range football.  I finished up my dish (stuffed zucchini) and chatted with Kristin's roommate some more in the kitchen.  She was really nice and for whatever reason I felt pretty confident about myself.  We actually had decent conversation for it being pretty brief.  There wasn't any flirting or anything (so don't go there Kristin), but it was part of the ongoing theme of the day where I felt comfortable and confident in myself.

It was a good day.

The group began to split.  Some were going to eat, and others were just going.  I was just going, since I had a Christmas/New Years party with Youth For Christ to go to.  I stopped home to throw my food in the oven a bit longer and pick up the gift for the gift exchange, which I forgot earlier.  Then I headed to the coffee shop for the party.  I just kind of hung somewhat by myself for a bit at first, as there weren't too many there who I was close with.  As some of the friends I knew better showed up, I gravitated toward them.

There is some real love in the people of YFC.  I love the relationships I'm forming there.  I felt cool just being myself.  I never felt like anyone was judging me, and I wasn't judging them.  We ate, we talked, we exchanged gifts.  I bought those dryer balls, to use instead of dryer sheets.  My one co-worker Dave and his wife got that, and insisted on knowing who gave that gift.  They liked it and also joked about it, so it was sweet.  I got these picture ornaments that smell like a Catholic church... all incense-like.  We joked about what a weird gift it was, from the girl that brought the gift.  Her grandmother gave it to her for her birthday, and she regifted since it's so ridiculous.  We had fun.  I felt natural and interesting and confident and just... on.

It was a good day.

Love makes a big difference.  So often I'm in situations that reek more of criticism or judgement than of love and compassion.  I am thrilled when I am surrounded by those who are so focused on the good time set before them, that they are way too busy to be petty.  I think that's something very Christian.  If we are really excited and devoted to this life we are being granted, we will be so excited to live it out and to love it out that the petty stuff won't even be noticed.

Sometimes I feel like I'm in a utopia.  Hugs and encouraging words flow plentifully.  Other times I feel like I'm in hell, where I don't rate and I can't compare to anyone.  It's so much nicer when nobody is even comparing anyway.

Today I felt like a person and not a clump of attributes.  I felt attractive all around.  I didn't worry about things I normally worry about.  I'm not sure I even heard a negative word directed toward me.  It's good to be loved.

It was a good day.

Help make tomorrow a good day for yourself and for those around you.

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