Monday, August 11, 2008

Go For The Gold

I have no idea what I'm going to blog about, but I feel I should. I am not even going to title this until the end, because who knows... I could title it Feel The Burn and have it end up being about purple lollipops and unicorns. Now unless I'm burning lollipops and unicorns it makes no sense, right. That's why I will be wise and wait.

I went over Kristin's last night. I was under the impression that it was going to be an "Olympics party," although not really a party, just the two of us. When I got there I became aware that it was a board game party. We played scrabble with her mom and mom's boyfriend, Wade. I won because I'm sooo smart. Then we went inside after numerous mosquito attacks to play Monopoly with her little sisters... Spongebob Monopoly. Spongebob's eyes on the box follow you as you move, creepy. The Olympics were on during the game so that was good. Kristin's sisters don't understand the point of the game, even though they are like 12. They only buy property that they like the name of, or their favorite places on the cartoon. After 6 trips around the board they both had like 2 properties, due to declining most times when asked if they want to purchase the property they were on. We ended the game after playing about 30 minutes.

While watching the Olympics I realized something about the infamous Michael Phelps... his face is a mix between Justin Kozak and Jake Baker. Not sure if you agree? Well lucky for you I'm a Photoshop wizard. Check it out.

::::Jake and Justin::::

::::Michael Phelps and Michael Phelps::::

Alright, so it's not a perfect match, but that's mainly due to lack of better photos and my Photoshop skills not being adequate enough. If you know both of them though, check it out next time Phelps is on TV. P.S. I also made Justin's ear a little bigger in this pic.

Speaking of Phelps, I watched the U.S. relay team tonight in the Olympics. Amazing. Coming from behind in the last half-a-lap and winning by almost nothing. That'll show those cocky Frenchmen. Why don't they just go make out with their girlfriends French style and forget about swimming!

Oh, so how about this... I'm moving into a duplex. I don't know when our move-in date is, but Jamie and I are moving into a place in Crafton. Tierney got me the hook-up through Julz. I'm using a lot of names in this paragraph, which will leave many of you unaware of who all these people are. Julz is a friend of mine through school and Tierney (my cousin), and her parents own the duplex I'm renting. It's a pretty big place for the cost, which is nice. It will be hard at first with money and all. Deposits and other expenses that I have to pay soon... but overall it should be very affordable when everything calms down. It will just be nice to live somewhere again.

It's later than I thought it would be. I need sleep.


1 comment:

KB said...

i love the photoshopping. completely looks like phelps.